Ghana Journal #8: The robbery

October 10, 2013 § Leave a comment


So, Pad Thai is not sitting well in my stomach. Also, we were robbed last night.

Computers, iPads, and cameras mostly. My Chromebook and my classic iPod, as well as about 100 cedi were taken. Carson lost his whole thesis (34 pages so far) with his computer, Kelly lost a camera and most of the photos he’d taken, others lost similar things. A letter Julianne wrote to send home was taken, too. What?? My backpack was left with everything but my computer and iPod in it, and was left outside on the side of the house.

Went to the police station to file individual reports. Then, Metro TV (Jeff’s work) came and interviewed Conor, and those who work at newspapers are going to write articles.

An “Investigator” came by. She looked around the house, didn’t take any notes, and blamed us for what happened. She said there was a one in a million chance of getting our stuff, Ghana isn’t our home, and was a real you-know-what all around.

I’m pretty disappointed because I had just got my computer configured how I liked and most of my work for Apex wasn’t saved anywhere else.

CSI people are going to do fingerprints soon, but we’ve contaminated the scene pretty badly. Who knew they would fingerprint?


No internet today. Not going to work either. Went to Thai place for massages and food. I didn’t get massage but Julianne, Dani, Conor and Kelly did.

Then went to craft market with Mama Leslie, Dana, Daryl, Juwan and others above. Came back and still no internet.

The jewelry guy came by to give rest of jewelry. Got Hannah’s ring and mom’s earrings. Happy with how they came out. Because he heard about the robbery, he lowered his price.

Everyone except Juwan, Michelle, Dana and I went out to a club or something.

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